St. Croix Educational Complex High School

This page presents the school's grading system, and explains how students' final semester grades are averaged.  Included are links to the class of 2002 and the class of 2003 respective websites.

Grading System


Quality Points Attitude Industry
90-100 = Excellent 4 1= Courteous & Cooperative 5 = Excellent
6= Good
80-89 = Good 3 2 = Usually Cooperative 7= Fair
70-79 = Average 2 3 = Uncooperative 8 = Poor
0-69 = Failure 0 4= Actively Disturbing 9 = Unsatisfactory

Calculation of Final Semester Average

1st Semester 1st Marking Period 40% Mid-Term Exam 10%  
  2nd Marking Period 40% Final Exam 10% Final Avg.
2nd Semester 3rd Marking Period 40% Mid-Term Exam 10%
  4th Marking Period 40% Final Exam 10% Final Avg.

Class of 2002 Class of 2003 Website

Prospective Students Current Students Faculty and Staff Alumni