Creating Links

Inserting links is the the heart of creating a Web document.  The Internet is made possible through documents that are linked (hyperlinked) to each other.  Internal links, external links, and email links are discussed below. 

Internal Links

An internal link is one that allows the user to access another section within your Web page or site.  To provide access from the top of a page to the bottom the following can be inserted at the top of the page:

<a href="#bottom">Goes to the bottom of the page</a>

At the bottom of the page the following can be inserted:

<a name="bottom">

The section above that says Goes to the bottom of the page is the hyperlink the user will see and click on. The user will then be redirected to the insertion point of the <a name="bottom"> tag.

The word bottom above can be replaced with a label that is more descriptive of that section of the page (i.e. References, About the Author, Closing Remarks).  This tag structure can be used to direct the user to any location within that Web document--to the middle, top or anywhere else in the page.

Note:    Whatever word is inserted in the href="word" section must also be inserted in the name="word" section.

External Links

An external link is one that allows the user to access another Web document "outside" of your site.  To insert a link to Yahoo type the following:

<a href="">Click here to go to Yahoo."</a>

To insert a link to my Nova Web site type the following:

<a href="">Everett Ryan Nova Web Site"</a>

Email Links

An HTML link to my email address will be written like this:

<a href="">Send me an email message.</a>

The words Send me an email message will be the text that the user sees and click on to send me an email.  To allow someone accessing your Web document to send you an email, replace visun@hotmail with your email address.