Creating Lists

There are three types of HTML lists.  There is the bulleted list that is called an unordered list.  The numbered list is called an ordered list.  There is the definition list that provides a list of terms and their meanings. 

Example of a bulleted list:

When I go to the shop I will purchase the following items:


Orange Juice

Brown Flour

Green Peppers

Here is the bulleted list code...

<li> Milk
<li> Orange Juice
<li> Brown Flour
<li> Green Peppers

Example of a numbered list:

Before I shop, however, I need to do the following things:

  1. Drive the kids to school

  2. Go to the doctor

  3. Visit the pharmacy

Here is the numbered list code...

<li> Drive the kids to school
<li> Go to the doctor 
<li> Visit the pharmacy

Example of a definition list:

I also need to remember the following:

Check with the office

Confirm the location of nuclear disks

Return call to the corporate lawyers

Finalizing  AOL/Time Warner  merger

Make flight reservation with British Concord

It's time for a vacation

Here is the definition list code...

<dt>  Check with the office
<dd>  Confirm the location of nuclear disks
<dt>  Return call to corporate lawyers
<dd>  Finalizing AOL/Time Warner merger
<dt>  Make flight reservation with British Concord
<dd>  It's time for a vacation